Your Initial Appointment

What to expect at your initial appointment

At your initial appointment, Dr Ambikaipalan will have a chat with you about your current condition and medical history. He will also perform a physical examination and review any additional images or radiology reports that you have brought along.

Dr Ambikaipalan may be able to give you a diagnosis and organise a treatment plan during the initial appointment, but sometimes he may need to order further tests for you first. He will chat with you about these tests, explaining why they are needed and where he recommends having them done, and then organise a review appointment to discuss the results.

You may like to have a support person with you at your appointment.

What should I bring to my initial appointment?

To get the most out of your initial appointment with Dr Ambikaipalan, please bring the following:

  • Completed Patient Registration Form and signed Consent Agreement (emailed or posted to you, or you can download the Patient Registration Form and Consent Agreement), if not already returned to us (as is our preference)

  • Your referral, if not already on record

  • Any radiology reports and images

  • Any relevant letters or notes from medical providers that you see

  • A list of any medications, if not already noted on the Patient Registration Form

  • A list of any questions you wish to ask Dr Ambikaipalan during your initial appointment

If you are travelling from regional Victoria, you may be eligible for subsided travel and accommodation. Please bring a copy of the VPTAS form with all sections except Section C completed. The VPTAS form is available here.

If your appointment is in relation to an injury for which you have an approved claim with TAC or WorkCover, please also bring a letter of approval for orthopaedic appointments/consultations from TAC or WorkCover that includes the following information:

  • Your insurance company (if WorkCover)

  • Your claim number

  • Date of injury

  • Your claims contact person and their contact details

Running on Time

Dr Ambikaipalan aims to run on time and ensure minimal waiting for patients, but unfortunately emergencies can come up on occasion. You are welcome to contact his rooms to check an estimated waiting time on the day of your appointment, but the waiting time may be subject to change.

Cancellation Policy

If you are unable to keep your appointment, please contact the rooms on (03) 9086 8685 as soon as possible to advise.

If you are unwell on the day of your appointment with any symptoms of COVID-19, please contact the rooms to reschedule your appointment. There may be a cancellation fee for on-the-day cancellations for reasons other than illness.